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Rebekah Vardy agrees Caroline Watt 'appeared to be source' of story on Coleen Rooney's car crash after her agent admitted 'it was me' in text. 'A delicious week off': Charli XCX turns up the heat as she flashes her incredible figure in a string bikini while enjoying time off from her world tour Otherwise, as usual, the only winners will be the lawyers. Though my advice to any couple warring over their pets would be to come to some arrangement, as I did.

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In the time since, it has been reassuring to see I am not the only one who felt like this.ĭuring their 2018 break-up, Ant McPartlin and his ex Lisa Armstrong are said to have rowed over custody of their chocolate labrador, Hurley.Īnd warring duo Johnny Depp and Amber Heard apparently had one of their many ding-dongs over who got to keep their Yorkshire terriers, Pistol and Boo.įor owners (or ‘pet parents’), dogs are as much part of the family as children, so it’s not so surprising that they are being mentioned in divorce papers. But that was the price - and it was one worth paying.Īll this happened ten years ago.

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Hellish on the old private life for a man re - entering bachelorhood after 13 years off the market. For owners (or ‘pet parents’), dogs are as much part of the family as children, so it’s not so surprising that they are being mentioned in divorce papers

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